APT TSE 2021
Academy of Physics Teachers- Talent Search Examination 2021-22 (APT TSE 2021-22)
( All Kerala Physics Talent Search Examination (TSE) is a statewide competitive examination conducted annually by APT, Kerala)
Interested students may contact the center coordinator of their respective Colleges.
Center coordinator may allot a register number for each student (Example: St. Joseph’s College for Women, Alappuzha- SJCW ALPY 001) after collecting their fee.
Center coordinators are requested to maintain the list of students in excel sheet in the following format (which is to be uploaded along with their registration form), which should contain the following details:
1. Name of the student
2. Register number of the student
3. Name of center/College
4. Email ID of the student

Last date for center coordinators to complete the registration: *30/11/2021*
The online examination consists of two parts:
o *Part A* : 30 multiple choice questions: *19th December 2021* , 10.00 am to 11.00 am
o *Part B:* 10 descriptive questions: *26th December 2021* , 10.00 am to 11.00 am
*REGISTRATION FEE* : An amount of Rs. 70/- must be collected from each student by the center coordinator for the completion of registration process and the total collected amount must be remitted.
Centre Coordinators may complete their registration form (There’s no individual registration form for students) after collecting details and fee from all the students who wish to participate in TSE